Well the pressure's certainly been mounting this week (to say the least), what with D's thesis jury and my studio design crit, but would we have it any other way... I think not!
One thing I will say though, is that we're both chomping at the bit and cannot wait to stow away our technical thinking caps and get down to some serious illo work. There's some exciting work in the pipelines, not to mention networking events and competitions we're entering.
2013's certainly looking bright, so in celebration of that we're injecting a little splash of colour into our latest work ;)
(Fashion illustration by us for the forthcoming 'AR SUAVE LTD' campaign)
It can be absolutely exhausting having so many strings to your bow lol. I mean, to have to keep changing gears (so to speak) and adjusting your mind set can leave one in a bit of a tailspin. But 'hey-ho', who wants a mundane life?!
psssst... One more thing, I was thrilled to see the work of my idols, Good Wives and Warriors in today's Metro Newspaper. I was grinning like a school kid at this awesome illo of theirs, despite seeing it numerous times before now lol. "You rock girls!!!"
Kami xoxo
(Illustration by Good Wives and Warriors for the 'Tiger Beer UK' campaign)
Kami xoxo
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