Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Illustration Friday (er... Wednesday) Topic: "SNOW"

Okay, so, admittedly it's a little late in the day but I couldn't let the current Illustration Friday topic slip through the net. It's just so cold and wintery and Christmassy around here, how could I not be inspired by the prompt, 'SNOW'.

Posts have been a bit thin on the ground this week due to manic schedules but fear not people, the new year brings a whole lot of excitement ;)

Kami xoxo

Friday, 14 December 2012


(COLDPLAY illustration, includes ASH frontman Tim Wheeler, by Dakshaja)

It was fantastic to see Chris Martin performing at the 12-12-12 fundraising concert, for victims of Hurricane Sandy, alongside an all-star line up at Madison Square Garden, New York.

As an avid fan I'm thrilled to learn that, here in the UK, BBC1 will be screening an hour of Coldplay's new live 2012 concert film at 10:55 pm on 27 December... "GET-IN!!!!"
Unfortunately for you though D, you'll have to cop the DVD/Blu-ray from your local reatailer... but fret not, at least that way you'll get to see the whole thing (and all the extras)! ;)

Coldplay, we salute you!

Kami xoxo

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Things To Come

Well the pressure's certainly been mounting this week (to say the least), what with D's thesis jury and my studio design crit, but would we have it any other way... I think not!

One thing I will say though, is that we're both chomping at the bit and cannot wait to stow away our technical thinking caps and get down to some serious illo work. There's some exciting work in the pipelines, not to mention networking events and competitions we're entering. 
2013's certainly looking bright, so in celebration of that we're injecting a little splash of colour into our latest work ;)

(Fashion illustration by us for the forthcoming 'AR SUAVE LTD' campaign)

It can be absolutely exhausting having so many strings to your bow lol. I mean, to have to keep changing gears (so to speak) and adjusting your mind set can leave one in a bit of a tailspin. But 'hey-ho', who wants a mundane life?!

psssst... One more thing, I was thrilled to see the work of my idols, Good Wives and Warriors in today's Metro Newspaper. I was grinning like a school kid at this awesome illo of theirs, despite seeing it numerous times before now lol. "You rock girls!!!"

(Illustration by Good Wives and Warriors for the 'Tiger Beer UK' campaign) 

Kami xoxo

Monday, 10 December 2012


Good day to you all! 

I just wanted to share this little image of mine as I've had great fun experimenting with different types of media and styles. 
Of course, black pen is still my tool of choice however, I'm quite liking a bit of watercolour too. I'm also loving the fact that the 'Athlay Anderson' charisma is still evident regardless of the media type ;) 

I know it's Monday (ugh!) but hopefully, this little pic should brighten your day!

Dakshaja xoxo

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Illustration Friday: "EXPLORE"

"Theo's Kingdom"

This 'Gulliver's Kingdom' typed image is perfect for this week's Illustration Friday topic, "EXPLORE".

Happy illustrating folks ;)

Kami xoxo

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Stretch The Imagination

Here is my representation of this week's Illustration Friday topic "Stretch". 

Happy Weekend folks!

Dakshaja xoxo

Friday, 30 November 2012

AR Suave Ltd

I just wanted to take the time to congratulate AR Suave Ltd on their 'ASOS Marketplace' launch today.
I see great things ahead for you guys, the work you've put in is outstanding and it shows! Check out their clothing line here at ASOS Marketplace

(psssst... Watch this space, there's a collaboration on the cards!)

Kami xoxo

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Sketchbook Magazine

It's been a fantastic week and we just don't want to come back down to earth! We kicked off with our debut show on Monday night (a massive success) and ended with a feature in 'Sketchbook' magazine. 

There are some exciting things lined up over the coming months not to mention some serious experimentation with our "unique" style... just watch this space!

Check out our "Illustrator's Portfolio" feature in Sketchbook Magazine

Kami & Dakshaja xoxo

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

"Remixing Charm": Kami Kreations/ Ink_a_Holics Debut Exhibition

Our fist ever exhibition was a massive success! It was so overwhelming and the turnout was better than anticipated.
It's truly something wonderful when the community comes together in aid of such a good cause, The Sickle Cell Society. There was cake, music, a prize draw and some very happy winners!

(taken with instagram)

(I'd like to say a BIG thank you to Jennifer over at The Paragon Cakery... your contribution was just amazing and made the whole thing beautiful.)

I'll leave you all with a few of the visitors' comments :)

*  *  *  *  *  *

"Congratulations, this is just the beginning! A little faith goes a long way. I'm so proud of your hard work and the results speak for themselves. Remember me when you're BIG, it won't take long! Well done."

"Wow, great art work, a very creative and detailed eye. Exquisite pieces!"

"What to say... looking at your art work it screams passion and excitement. I love the direction and the clear vision. Dare to be different always. That's what makes your work unique and amazing. Keep up the good work!"


"Thank you for a beautiful evening and such wonderful pictures."

"This was definitely worth missing 'Corrie' and 'Emmerdale' for! Your talent is amazing, truly amazing."

"Such a beautiful display of your talent. This is only the beginning and you have a follower for life."

"Congratulations on a great night!"

"Absolutely amazed by the outstanding art work this is the beginning of BIG things to come."

"Your work is AMAZING!"

Congratulations on your amazing exhibition. It's your time to shine!"

Friday, 23 November 2012

Illustration Friday: 'WHISKERS'

When I saw the prompt for this week's Illustration Friday topic I thought of this cute little moggy right away!
Awww, just look at those curly whiskers.

Kami xoxo

Thursday, 22 November 2012

How it all got started...

    ("Happy Days" -by D. Athlay and K. Anderson- 2012)

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” ― C.S. Lewis

This pretty much sums up the first conversation I ever had with Kam. Both of us live miles apart, have never met (that’s why the name Penfriend seemed very apt), but connect in a way which cannot be described in word or verse. 
The thing which binds us together is our art about which I’ll be talking later. You guys must be wondering, “Wait a minute... who is this again?” So, here goes – Hi! I am Dakshaja Athlay from India and I am thoroughly pleased to meet you. The name is kind of twisted and difficult to pronounce I know, I get that all the time, it is the name of one of the incarnations of Goddess Parvati just so you may know. I hate talking about myself but Kam insisted on giving you guys a brief introduction about who I was, so... I am all of 23, in my final year of grad school studying architecture; architecture- the first thing I share with Kam. Illustration art is something I have recently picked up and it has turned into a passion in just a few months. Illustration- the second thing I share with Kam, passion- the third. I love colours, it’s a colourful life after all but somehow black and white, which are the presence and absence of all colours, and not colours in themselves, captivate me. Use of black and white- the fourth thing I share with Kam. And the sharing continues...

So now that you have realized both of us have a lot in common, it won’t be hard to imagine how or why we clicked. How we met? Well that I would leave it to Kam to tell.
Coming to the more serious part of it - the work. I work on inspiration. Inspiration drawn from music, food, friends, my culture which is rich and diverse, other art forms, travel- in short whatever I come across in day to day life. So when Kam came up with this brilliant idea, to merge our art forms,  I was more than excited! Imagine me laughing to myself and jumping. I just had to do this. All the work that you see here done by me has been inspired by Kam’s. I think when there is an immensely talented person to work with, it's easy to draw inspiration from them. So, whatever I have created has evolved out of Kam’s work.

I study the emotions, the traits and eye catching elements in each of her drawings and proceeded to work on my own interpretations. Once you know what really gives a portrait its true identity, making a story out of it comes naturally. 

So, I'd like to thank Kam for giving me this opportunity to showcase my work and integrate it with her’s. She is a beautiful person. Cheers to new beginnings!

Dakshaja xoxo


How can I follow on from that D??? Really though, how can I? haha.

I'm Kamaira (Kami) Anderson and I'm an ink-a-holic, in many, many ways! I live in the UK and was very intrigued one morning by a sincere and heartfelt email from the aforementioned young lady. Aren't social networking sites a truly wonderful thing? They connect people who otherwise would probably never have come into contact during their lives.
This whole experience has excited me immensely and the biggest thrill of all has been having someone to bare my soul to, despite having never met that person! It reminds me of the Penpal scheme they had at school when I was a kid.

D and I study architecture (well she's a real architect and I'm an architect for film and staging), which as a vocation, is extremely prescriptive. Our shared passion for fine lines and black ink on white paper was quite uncanny, but what was even more so was our joint yearning for a more 'creative' outlet... 'voila',  Penfriend was born! 
You see, in my free time I dabble in illustration and I simply love creating line and wash portraits of people I know. What's more, I love the reaction I get from those people when they see what I've come up with. So, naturally, when D unleashed her illustrative talents on me (in the form of her sketchbook doodles), I was simply in awe of her!
Her abstract linework was just so complimentary to my somewhat, conceptual and simplistic portraits, we came up with a few pieces that I could exhibit here in the UK. Dakshaja darling, for that I thank you! I'm now addicted and cannot stop, I'm pretty sure you feel the same.

This blog is going to be our platform or springboard, if you like, to showcase these wacky and wonderful pieces. As we develop and grow as a creative partnership, we'd like to document that process and share it with all you fine people out there. At the moment, D does patterns and I do people, yet we're constantly brainstorming and coming up with new ideas and plans, thinking about colour theory and integrating digital techniques into what we're currently doing.

Therefore, to second D's earlier notion... I'm so glad to have found my creative other half. Cheers to new beginnings!

Kami xoxo